Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'm Such a Slacker!

Wow, it is already August and I haven't posted ANYTHING this summer! I know I am SUCH A SLACKER! To fill you in on what's been going on... No, I haven't fallen off of the face of the earth and I haven't forgotten about you... I completed my Associate's Degree in Web Design (with a 3.89 GPA). I am now mid-way through my first class towards my Bachelor's in Communication/ Technology.

With my last post I promised to tell you about the amazing project I completed for Mother's Day... This year we decided that the main focus for Mother's Day needed to be on our church's First Lady. After all... if our Pastor is like a Spiritual Father to most of the congregation, that makes her our Spiritual Mother doesn't it? So rather than just include a bunch of pictures in a slideshow and the usual feel good poems in the bulletin, we did something a little different. I gathered short quotes, messages and statements from as many members of the church as I could, and we included them as an insert in the bulletin. Sister Manley was able to sit and read these short little messages. Some made her laugh while some made her cry; others just made her feel appreciated and loved. This project was really quite simple, yet meant so much to a wonderful lady. One of the elders wrote a poem that left most of us in tears.

For this project, I used Microsoft Publisher. I simply selected a new document and chose Booklet as the document type. I created effects by making little snapshots in photoshop of curly brushes and edging that I liked. Saved the snapshots and pictures and inserted them into the bulletin pages, then used the "Order" option to send the inserted images to the background. The hardest part of this project was getting everyone to turn in their messages in a timely manner. There is always going to be that one straggler who doesn't turn their information in on time, and gets offended when their information doesn't get included. I had someone turn in their quote at 10:00pm Friday night, when the information was requested to be turned in by the previous Wednesday. Regardless... try not to get frustrated because after all... these projects aren't about us. Below is a screenprint of what some of the pages looked like.

Oh and for added touches... download some free fonts so you can have a variety of fonts on the page(s). http://typenow.net/ is a great resource for free fonts. If all else fails just do a Google search for Free Fonts and you will have hours of web surfing pleasure. If you don't know how to install the fonts on your computer, all you have to do is save the fonts to the C:\WINDOWS\fonts folder on your PC (I can't help you if you have a MAC, I don't know how to install anything on Macs). Be warned... once you start searching through fonts... you will look up and hours will have gone by without you even realizing it!

I promise I won't wait 3 months to post again! Not sure what the next topic will be but I can promise it will be sooner rather than later :)

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