Sunday, April 10, 2011

Drama Drama Drama!!!

Ok so normally when you hear "Drama Drama Drama" you don't think about worship, ministry and praise... This time I'm talking about a dramatic interpretation of a song for the purpose of WORSHIPPING Him, MINISTERING to a congregation and PRAISING God!

Our Sign and Stick Teams are currently practicing for our annual Easter Drama. I started thinking about these dramas that many churches do, especially at Christmas and Easter. The question came to mind... Are we doing this as a performance... or for worship, ministry and praise? If our dramas are simply performances... then we need to stop and re-evaluate our priorities. Anything we do, whether it is a drama, skit, singing in the choir, praise singing or even preaching... MUST be done for God and for worshipping Him and glorifying Him. Performances are all fine and great... but not in a church.

Whether you are called to write dramas (or plays and skits) or you are just called to participate, remember that everything you do, is to God!

I'll try to post pictures and/or a video of our Easter Drama.

God Bless!!

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